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cytaty ze star trek

Zaczęty przez Q__, 27 Wrz 2023, 14:27

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek


Skoro wspomniałem niedawno Sahila. Taki dialog, jeden z lepszych w DSC (odc. "That Hope is You. Part 1"):

Sahil: Hope is a powerful thing.
Burnham: Sometimes, it's the only thing
Sahil: Our numbers are few. Our spirit is undiminished.


A to - wspominana (na Trek.pl) scena usadzania Klydena przez Isaaca:


Z PIC "No Win Scenario" (takie sobie, ale nieźle zagrane):

Riker: When we buried our son, I watched the coffin being lowered into the ground. It was only six feet, but it was so dark. It was like infinite emptiness. And you and I have traveled to the far reaches of space, and yet there is nothing, nothing to prove to me that there is anything after. And I have tried to shake that. Deanna, as you know, feels everything, but she couldn't live with me feeling nothing and neither could I, which is why I left, and I came here. I was running from this, only to find it again.

A to dialog z "Seventeen Seconds" (też PIC3):

Picard: A toast, my friend. To your newborn son.
Riker: Ah. To Thaddeus.
Picard: And to parenthood. Regarded by many as life's greatest challenge, but I have no doubt your son is in capable hands.
Riker: [chuckles] Cheers.
Picard: Because he'll be looked after by the wisest of souls. Someone endowed with great kindness, patience... and unconditional love.
Riker: I don't know what to say.
Picard: His mother.
[Both laughs, drinks]
Picard: Are you all right?
Riker: Yeah.
Picard: You said on the call that the delivery was touch-and-go.
Riker: Well, we were on the Titan, of course. They hailed me from sickbay. "You better get down here, sir, right away." The tone of voice, it was not what you wanted to hear. It took 17 seconds to get down there. The longest turbolift ride of my life. I thought I was losing him. My unborn son. His whole future flashed in front of my eyes.
Picard: And, in that moment, you became a father.
Riker: That's right. And everything you've read in the books and the poems about fatherhood goes right out the window the moment you see your kid. He's so, so small, and so fragile. You just know that you gotta take care of them at all costs. You'd burn the world to save them.
Picard: I am so very happy for you, Will.
Riker: I hope one day you get to have this feeling, too. Nothing like it. [PADD chirps] Oh, shit. [laughs]
Troi: Oh, enjoying whiskey and cigars, are we? Well, I haven't brushed my hair in 72 hours. And your son just vomited all over Engineering. Projective vomit. Four feet in the air.
[Riker laughs.]
Troi: They should study him for science.
Riker: I'm sorry, imzadi. I'll be right there.
Troi: Bring the whiskey.



Rowan J Coleman przypomniał kolejny istotny dialog z Treka honoris causa jakim jest Babylon 5, z odcinka "Hunter, Prey". Wrzucę go, zwł., że i do kanonu (szczególnie DS9) pasuje:

Dr. Stephen Franklin: /.../ Quite a time. Earth had beaten the Dilgar, and we were setting up outposts all over the place. Looking to the future with that reckless enthusiasm you have when you're 22 when your whole life's ahead of you.
Michael Garibaldi: Oh, yeah. I remember. Back then, it was like some long summer night. Crazy. Innocent. Optimistic as hell. I don't know. Somewhere along the line we lost something somewhere.
Dr. Stephen Franklin: I think we lost interest in the future when all the things we were told were coming got here. Wasn't what we thought it was gonna be. It's like when you keep bugging your folks for that one special toy for Christmas and when you finally get it, it's not as great as the vids made it look. It just doesn't run right. And you're so disappointed you shove it in the closet and never take it out again.
Michael Garibaldi: Maybe someone should have labeled the future, "Some assembly required."



Pozostając przy cytatach z B5...

Piękna mowa pogrzebowa kapitana Sheridana ("Point of No Return"):

Sheridan: From the stars we came. To the stars we return, from now until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep.

I doktor Franklin o boskiej odpowiedzialności lekarza ("Believers"):

Sinclair: Who asked you to play God?
Dr. Stephen Franklin: Every damn patient who comes through that door, that's who. People come to doctors because they want us to be gods. They want us to make it better - or make it not so. They want to be healed and they come to me when their prayers aren't enough. Well, if I have to take the responsibility, then I claim the authority too. I did good. And we both know it. And no one is going to take that away.

(Beverly C. by się pod tym podpisała, sądząc po "Who Watches the Watchers".)



A teraz opis (i podsumowanie) populistyczno-facebookowej demokracji bezpośredniej z ORV "Majority Rule" czyli Treka honoris causa cd.:

Grayson: We haven't seen evidence of any codified legal framework. It all seems subject to public vote at any given time.
Isaac: Captain, what she is describing is an absolute, unstructured democracy. There is no record of any previously discovered society operating in such a fashion.
Malloy: Government by American Idol.

I potem:

Mercer: So this is an absolute democracy?
Lysella: Yeah. How does your world work?
Mercer: We select representatives who discuss issues and enact laws.
Lysella: But what about everybody else? Everybody deserves a voice. That's what we're taught.
Bortus: A voice should be earned, not given away.
Mercer: How do you know what foods are healthiest for your children, or what medicine to take if you're sick?
Lysella: We vote.
Isaac: I believe you are confusing opinion with knowledge.
Alara: I think what he's asking is, with so many voices at once, how do you filter out the truth?
Lysella: Well, my dad always says, "The majority are the truth." I mean, you always know what the majority wants. That's what matters.
Mercer: Well, you always know what the mob wants, too. And right now, the mob wants to lobotomize my navigator.

(Najlepsze są treściwe onelinery Gordona, Bortusa i Isaaca.)

Możemy to sobie również obejrzeć:



Znany* fragment DSC "Lethe" (miejmy go na piśmie, w tej formie dość drętwa reżyseria nie pociagnie go w dół ;)):

Michael Burnham: All my life, the conflict inside me has been between logic, and emotion. But now it's my emotions that are fighting. I think about him and I want to cry. But... I have to smile. And I feel angry. But I want to love. And I'm hurt, but there's hope. What is this?
Ash Tyler: Ah, it's just... being human.
[she looks at him curiously, then offers him her hand]
Michael Burnham: Michael Burnham. Pleased to meet you.
Ash Tyler: Ash Tyler. We've met.
Michael Burnham: Have we? Let's try it again.
[he shakes her hand]

Jak widać, Menosky wciąż nie stracił pisarskiego pazura ;).

* I linkowany:


Tym razem kawałek klasyki najklasyczniejszej - Data z "The Offspring", o znaczeniu wysiłków.

Data: I have asked myself that many times as I have struggled to be more human. Until I realised it is the struggle itself that is most important. We must strive to be more than we are, Lal. It does not matter that we will never reach our ultimate goal. The effort yields its own rewards.


Robert J. Sawyer cytatologicznie broni trzeciego sezonu TOS:

A to słynny cytat z nBSG:

Commander William Adama: There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.


Skoro już "all kidding aside" z moich ust padło... Przypomnijmy sobie sławetny, a do NEM* nawiązujący, toast weselny Bortusa:

Bortus: I will now give the wedding toast. In human tradition, this consists of a series of good-natured jabs, followed by earnest wishes. Doctor Finn, many crew members have privately frowned upon your mating with Isaac. They feel it will not succeed. All kidding aside, I wish you well. Isaac, you betrayed us. Your actions caused the destruction of many ships and the deaths of many people. All kidding aside, congratulations on this day. Doctor Finn, I do not believe an artificial life form is capable of properly raising your children. He will most likely fail in this attempt. All kidding aside...

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdX25Vd3r9s


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