Superbohaterowie vs Reszta Świata

Zaczęty przez Q__, 08 Sie 2023, 01:53

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Top Comic Book Runs

100. Ryan North's Fantastic Four – 90 points (1 first place vote)
Fantastic Four (2023) #1-present
99. Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez-Walta's The VIsion - 91 points (1 first place vote)
Vision #1-12
98. Wendy Pini and Richard Pini's ElfQuest: The Original Quest - 93 points (3 first place votes)
ElfQuest #1-20
97. Will Eisner's The Spirit - 94 points (3 first place votes)
The Spirit Newspaper Strips 1940-1942, 1945-1950
96. Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz's New Mutants - 95 points(1 first place vote)
New Mutants #18-31, 35-38
95. Dave Sim and Gerhard's Cerebus- 97 points (3 first place votes)
Cerebus #1-300 (Gerhard from #65-300)
94. Alan Moore and J.H. Williams III's Promethea - 99 points (2 first place votes)
Promethea #1-32
93. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' Criminal – 100 points (1 first place vote)
Criminal #1-10, Criminal Volume 2 #1-7, Criminal – The Sinners #1-5, Criminal – The Last of the Innocent #1-4, Criminal Special Edition and Criminal 10th Anniversary Special
92. Carl Barks' Duck Comics – 102 points (4 first place votes)
A variety of Walt Disney comics from 1943 through 1972, most notably Uncle Scrooge #1-71
91. Denny O'Neil and Denys Cowan's The Question - 105 points (3 first place votes)
The Question #1-36, The Question Annual #1-2
90. Alan Davis' Captain Britain – 107 points (1 first place vote)
Marvel Superheroes #377–388, The Daredevils #1-11, The Mighty World of Marvel (Vol. 2) #7-13, Captain Britain (Vol.2) #1-14
89. Peter Bagge's Hate – 108 points (3 first place votes)
Hate #1-30, Hate Annual #1-9, Hate Revisited #1-4
88. Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - 111 points (2 first place votes)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1-6, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2 #1-6, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Nemo Trilogy, and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume IV: Tempest
87. John Wagner's Judge Dredd – 115 points (3 first place votes)
Wagner, who co-created Judge Dredd with Carlos Ezquerra, has been writing Judge Dredd comic book stories pretty much non-stop for over forty years, so it would be much easier to just list the Judge Dredd stories that John Wagner has NOT written
86. Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto's Daredevil – 118 points (2 first place votes)
Daredevil (2019) #1-36, Devil's Reign #1-6, Daredevil (2021) #1-14
85. John Ostrander's Suicide Squad - 119 points (3 first place votes)
Suicide Squad #1-66
84. Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim - 121 votes (1 first place vote)
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness, Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together, Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe and Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
83. John Byrne's Superman – 124 points (3 first place votes)
Man of Steel #1-6, Superman Vol. 2 #1-22, Action Comics #584-600, Adventures of Superman #436-442, 444, The World of Krypton #1-4, The World of Metropolis #1-4, and The World of Smallville #1-4.
82. Dan Slott's Spider-Man - 127 points (2 first place votes)
Amazing Spider-Man #648-700, Superior Spider-Man #1-31, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol.3) #1-18, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol.4) #1-32, Amazing Spider-Man #789-801
81. Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams' Green Lantern - 129 points (1 first place vote)
Green Lantern #76-87, 89, Flash #217-219 (as a backup story)
80. Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo – 132 points (8 first place votes)
Usagi Yojimbo #1-38 (Fantagraphics), #1-16 (Mirage), #1-172 (Dark Horse), #1-current (IDW)
79. Brian Michael Bendis' Avengers – 133 points (3 first place votes)
Avengers #500-503, New Avengers #1-64, Mighty Avengers #1-20, Dark Avengers #1-16, Avengers (Volume 4) #1-34, New Avengers (Volume 2) #1-34, Avengers Assemble #1-8, countless mini-series, one-shots and crossovers
78. John Layman and Rob Guillory's Chew – 144 points (1 first place vote)
Chew #1-60
77. Roy Thomas' initial run on Conan – 145 points (2 first place votes)
Conan the Barbarian #1-115 and Savage Sword of Conan #1-79
76. Kazuo Koike & Goseki Kojima's Lone Wolf and Cub – 148 points (2 first place votes)
Lone Wolf & Cub Vols. 1-28
75. Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo's Nightwing - 150 points (4 first place votes)
Nightwing #78-118
74. Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men – 151 points (2 first place votes)
Astonishing X-Men #1-24, Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1
73. Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins' Flash – 153 points (2 first place votes)
Flash (Vol.2) #164-225
72. Roy Thomas' Avengers – 157 points (1 first place vote)
The Avengers #35-104
71. Larry Hama's initial run on G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero -158 points (3 first place votes)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #1-7, 10-19, 21-118, 120-142, 144-152, 155
70. Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum's X-Men - 160 points (2 first place votes)
X-Men #94-107 (and I guess Uncanny X-Men #145-164)
69. Steve Ditko and Stan Lee's Doctor Strange - 162 points (3 first place votes)
Strange Tales #110-111, 114-146
68. Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera's Scalped - 165 points (1 first place vote)
Scalped #1-60
67. Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo's Fantastic Four - 167 points (3 first place votes)
Fantastic Four Vol. 3 #60-70, Fantastic Four #500-524 (Wieringo as artist of 27 of the 36 issues)
66. Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez's Locke and Key - 172 points (5 first place votes)
Locke and Key: Welcome to Lovecraft #1-6, Locke and Key:Head Games #1-6, Locke and Key:Crown of Shadows #1-6, Locke and Key: Keys to the Kingdom #1-6, Locke and Key:Clockworks #1-6, Locke and Key: Omega #1-5 and Locke and Key: Alpha #1-2 (plus the tie-in series, Locke and Key: Golden Age #1-3)
65. Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams' Batman - 180 points (4 first place votes)
Detective Comics #395, 397, 400, 402, 404, 407-408, 410 and Batman #232, 234, 237, 243-245, 251, 255
64. 100 Bullets - 184 points (2 first place votes)
100 Bullets #1-100
63. Joe Kelly's Deadpool - 187 points (3 first place votes)
Deadpool #1-33
62. Geoff Johns' JSA - 188 points (2 first place votes)
JSA #6-77, 81, Justice Society of America #1-26
61. Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra and Jose Marzan Jr.'s Y the Last Man - 190 points (3 first place votes)
Y the Last Man #1-60, Pia Guerra drew #1-15, 18-20, 24-30, 36-39, 43-46, 49-52, 55-60. Marzan inked the whole shebang
60. Grant Morrison's Invisibles – 197 (3 first place votes)
The Invisibles #1-25, The Invisibles Vol. 2 #1-22, The Invisibles Vol. 3 #12-1
59. Garth Ennis, Darick Roberston and Russ Braun's The Boys – 203 points (3 first place votes)
The Boys #1-72, plus Herogasm, Highland Laddie and Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker
58. Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's Ultimates - 208 pointes (2 first place votes)
The Ultimates #1-13, The Ultimates 2 #1-13
57. Warren Ellis, Darick Robertson and Rodney Ramos' Transmetropolitan – 212 points (2 first place votes)
Transmetropolitan #1-60
56. Peter David's second run on X-Factor – 225 points (5 first place votes)
Madrox #1-5, X-Factor (Vol. 3) #1-50, #200-262
55. Mark Waid's Daredevil - 231 points (3 first place votes)
Daredevil (Vol. 3) #1-36, Daredevil (Vol.4) #1-18
54. Ryan North and Erica Henderson's Squirrel Girl – 246 points (3 first place votes)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Vol.1) #1-8, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Vol.2) #1-50
53. Jack Kirby and Stan Lee's Thor – 247 points (5 first place votes)
Journey Into Mystery #97-125, Thor #126-177,179
52. Steve Englehart, Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin's Detective Comics – 253 points (4 first place votes)
Detective Comics #469-479
51. Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard's Walking Dead – 259 points (3 first place votes)
The Walking Dead #1-193
50. Garth Ennis' Punisher – 262 points (2 first place votes)
Punisher #1-12, Punisher #1-6, 13-37, The Punisher(MAX) #1-60 plus Punisher: Born #1-4 and a bunch of one-shots
49. Mike Mignola's Hellboy – 271 points (5 first place votes)
Hellboy: Seed of Destruction #1-4 in 1995, then lots of mini-series ever since then
48. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman -284 points (2 first place votes)
Batman (Vol. 2) #1-51
47. Al Ewing, Joe Bennett and Ruy José's Immortal Hulk – 288 points (3 first place votes)
Immortal Hulk #1-50, plus some one-shots
46. Roger Stern's Avengers – 294 points (3 first place votes)
Avengers #227-279, 281-288
45. Los Bros. Herhandez's Love and Rockets – 297 points (8 first place votes)
Love and Rockets #1-50, Love and Rockets Vol. 2 #1-20, Love and Rockets: New Stories #1-8, Love and Rockets Vol. 4 #1-present (#15)
44. Jack Kirby's Fourth World – 304 points (4 first place votes)
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133-148, New Gods #1-11, Forever People #1-11 and Mister Miracle #1-18
43. Roger Stern and John Romita Jr's Amazing Spider-Man – 315 points (4 first place votes)
Amazing Spider-Man #224-227, 229-252
42. Matt Fraction and David Aja's Hawkeye – 320 points (2 first place votes)
Hawkeye #1-22
41. Kurt Busiek and George Perez's Avengers – 324 points (4 first place votes)
Avengers (Vol.3) #1-15, 19-34
40. Ed Brubaker's Captain America – 337 points (3 first place votes)
Captain America (Vol.5) #1-50, Captain America: Reborn #1-6, Captain America #600-619, Captain America (Vol.6) #1-19
39. Alan Moore's Marvelman/Miracleman - 342 points (4 first place votes)
Warrior #1-21, Miracleman #7-16 (#1-6 reprinted the Warrior stories)
38. Jason Aaron's Thor - 361 points (5 first place votes)
Thor: God of Thunder #1-25, Thor (Vol.4) #1-8, The Mighty Thor (Vol.2) #1-23, #700-706, The Unworthy Thor #1-5, Thor (Vol.5) #1-16, War of the Realms #1-6, and King Thor #1-4
37. Stan Lee and John Romita's Amazing Spider-Man - 372 points (4 first place votes)
Amazing Spider-Man #39-71, 74-75, 81 (Romita as inker), 82-88, 89-92 (Romita as inker), 93-95, 96 (Romita as inker)
36. Jonathan Hickman's X-Men - 394 points (3 first place votes)
House of X #1-6, Powers of X #1-6, X-Men #1-21, New Mutants #1-2, 5 and 7, Inferno #1-4, plus a number of Giant-Sized X-Men issues and other one-shots
35. Grant Morrison's Animal Man - 415 points (4 first place votes)
Animal Man #1-26
34. Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha's First Fables run - 421 points (3 first place votes)
Fables #1-150
33. Peter David's Incredible Hulk - 438 points (9 first place votes)
The Incredible Hulk #331-359, 361-388, 390-467
32. Greg Rucka and Ed Brubaker's Gotham Central – 465 points (5 first place votes)
Gotham Central #1-40
31. Garth Ennis and John McCrea's Hitman - 481 points (4 first place votes)
Hitman #1-60, plus a #1,000,000 and an Annual
30. Jim Starlin's Warlock – 495 points (5 first place votes)
Strange Tales #178-181, Warlock #9-15, The Avengers Annual #7 and Marvel Two-in-One Annual #2
29. Grant Morrison's New X-Men – 497 points (3 first place votes)
New X-Men #114-154, plus an Annual
28. Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's Preacher – 521 points (4 first place votes)
Preacher #1-66, plus some miniseries and one-shots (almost all of the one-shots and minis were not by Dillon)
27. Mark Waid's Flash – 558 (5 first place votes)
Flash #62-129, plus a #0 (#118-129 co-written with Brian Augustyn, and interestingly enough, the book actually changed titles from Flash to The Flash at #101)
26. Jonathan Hickman's Avengers – 563 (5 first place votes)
Avengers #1-44, New Avengers #1-33, Infinity #1-6...and probably Secret Wars #1-9
25. John Byrne's Fantastic Four – 571 points (5 first place votes)
Fantastic Four #232-293
24. Jeff Smith's Bone - 640 points (12 first place votes)
Bone #1-55
23. Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev's Daredevil - 703 points (7 first place votes)
Daredevil (Vol.2) #26-50, 56-81 (Maleev did not draw #38-40)
22. Fiona Staples and Brian K. Vaughan's Saga – 721 points (8 first place votes)
Saga #1-70 (ongoing)
21. Brian Michael Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man – 725 points (9 first place votes)
Ultimate Spider-Man #1-133 (plus a #1/2 issue), Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1-15, Ultimate Spider-Man #150-160
20. Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson's Astro City - 727 points (12 first place votes)
Kurt Busiek's Astro City #1-6, Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol. 2 #1-22 (plus a #1/2), Kurt Busiek's Astro City (Vol.3) #1-52, Astro City: Local Heroes #1-5, Astro City/Arrowsmith: The Flip Book #1, Astro City Special: Supersonic #1, Astro City: The Dark Age: Book One #1-4, Astro City: The Dark Age: Book Two #1-4, Astro City Special: Samaritan #1, Astro City Special: Beautie #1, Astro City Special: Astra #1-2, Astro City: The Dark Age: Book Three #1-4, Astro City Special: Silver Agent #1-2, Astro City: The Dark Age: Book Four #1-4
19. Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol - 731 points (14 first place votes)
Doom Patrol #19-63 (plus Doom Force #1, I suppose)
18. Robert Kikrman, Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley's Invincible - 740 points (10 first place votes)
Invincible #1-144
17. Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis' Justice League – 744 points (17 first place votes)
Justice League #1-6, Justice League International #7-25, Justice League America #26-60, Justice League Europe #1-8, Justice League Quarterly #1 plus some Annuals
16. Warren Ellis and John Cassaday's Planetary – 757 points (13 first place votes)
Planetary #1-27, plus a few crossover one-shots, most notably Batman/Planetary
15. Keith Giffen and Paul Levitz's Legion of Super-Heroes – 765 points (9 first place votes)
Legion of Super-Heroes #281-313, Legion of Super-Heroes #1-5
14. James Robinson's Starman – 773 points (17 first place votes)
Starman #1-80, plus a #1,000,000 and two Annuals
13. Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four – 831 points (13 first place votes)
Fantastic Four #570-611, FF #1-23
12. Geoff Johns' Green Lantern – 969 points (16 first place votes)
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6, Green Lantern #1-67, Blackest Night #1-8, Green Lantern (New 52) #1-20
11. Grant Morrison's Batman - 974 points (18 first place votes)
Batman #655-658, 663-683, 700-702, Batman and Robin #1-16, Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1-6, Batman Inc. (Vol. 1) #1-8, Batman Incorporated #1-12 plus a few one-shots mixed in there, like Leviathan, Batman: The Return and Batman Incorporated #0
10. Chris Claremont's Post-Cockrum X-Men – 980 (17 first place votes)
Uncanny X-Men #165-279, X-Men #1-3 plus a bunch of Annuals and a Graphic Novel
9. Marv Wolfman and George Perez's New Teen Titans - 1066 (23 first place votes)
Wolfman – New Teen Titans #1-40, Tales of the New Teen Titans #41-50, New Teen Titans #1-5 (co-wrote #6) plus three Annuals
Perez – New Teen Titans #1-5, 6-34, 37-40, Tales of the New Teen Titans #41-50, New Teen Titans #1-5 (co-wrote #6) plus three Annuals
8. Walter Simonson's Thor - 1099 points (15 first place votes)
The Mighty Thor #337-355, 357-382 (writer/artist for #337-354, 357-367, 380)
7. Grant Morrison, Howard Porter and John Dell's JLA - 1217 points (16 first place votes)
JLA #1-17, 22-26, 28-31, 34, 36-41, plus a #1,000,000, a Secret Files and an Earth 2 graphic novel. Porter drew most of Morrison's issues, with some fill-in artists here and there. Frank Quitely drew the graphic novel
6. Jack Kirby and Stan Lee's Fantastic Four - 1414 points (15 first place votes)
Fantastic Four #1-102, Fantastic Four Annual #1-6
5. Neil Gaiman's Sandman - 1498 points (32 first place votes)
The Sandman #1-75
4. Alan Moore's Swamp Thing – 1541 points (39 first place votes)
Saga of the Swamp Thing/Swamp Thing #20-58, 60-61, 63-64, Annual 2
3. Steve Ditko and Stan Lee's Spider-Man – 1587 points (38 first place votes)
Amazing Fantasy #15, Amazing Spider-Man #1-38, plus two Annuals
2. Frank Miller and Klaus Janson's Daredevil – 1598 points (16 first place votes)
Daredevil #158-161, 163-167 (Frank Miller as artist, with Klaus Janson inks), #168-176 (Miller as writer/artist, with Janson as inker), 177-184 (Miller as writer/co-artist with Klaus Janson), #185-190 (Miller as writer, with Janson as artist), #191 (Miller as writer/artist, no Janson as inker)
1. John Byrne, Chris Claremont and Terry Austin's X-Men - 2181 points (53 first place votes)
X-Men/Uncanny X-Men #108-109, 111-143




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