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Zaczęty przez Q__, 08 Sie 2023, 02:16

Poprzedni wątek - Następny wątek


Komuś się powieści z tzw. Shatnerverse przypomniały:


Ro Laren i dr Gillian Taylor powrócą w nowych powieściach ST:

Opisy zacytuję:

Pliable Truths

2369: Shortly after Starfleet thwarts a Cardassian attack on a Federation star system, the Cardassian government orders an end to its fifty-year occupation of the planet Bajor. As a result, a newly installed Bajoran government requests immediate assistance from the Federation to mediate how the withdrawal will proceed and what recompense, if any, Bajorans are owed from their brutal oppressors. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is ordered by Starfleet Command to oversee these tense negotiations on Terok Nor, the massive Cardassian space station still orbiting Bajor, even as he still deals with his own recent trauma as a prisoner held and tortured by a Cardassian interrogator.

Lost to Eternity

Three Eras. Three Mysteries. One Ancient Enemy?

2024: Almost forty years ago, marine biologist Gillian Taylor stormed away from her dream job at Sausalito's Cetacean Institute—and was never seen or heard from again. Now a new true crime podcast has reopened that cold case, but investigator Melinda Silver has no idea that her search for the truth about Gillian's disappearance will ultimately stretch across time and space—and attract the attention of a ruthless obsessive with his own secret agenda.

2268:The USS Enterprise's five-year mission is interrupted when Captain James T. Kirk and his crew set out to recover an abducted Federation scientist whose classified secrets are being sought by the Klingons as well. The trail leads to a barbaric world off limits to both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire—and an ageless mastermind on a quest for eternity.

2292: The Osori, an ancient alien species, has finally agreed to establish relations with its much younger neighbors: the Federation, the Klingons, and the Romulans. A joint mission involving ships from all three powers, including the Enterprise-A, turns explosive when one of the Osori envoys is apparently killed. Each side blames the others, but the truth lies buried deep, nearly three hundred years in the past...


Two years after the USS Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, Seven of Nine finds herself rejected for a position in Starfleet...and instead finds a new home with the interstellar rogue law enforcement corps known as the Fenris Rangers. The Rangers seem like an ideal fit for Seven—but to embrace this new destiny, she must leave behind all she's ever known, and risk losing the most important thing in her life: her friendship with Admiral Kathryn Janeway.


Tytuły i krótkie streszczenia opowiadań, które wejdą w skład nowej antologii "Star Trek Explorera", oraz wywiad z autorem dwu z nich, Gregiem Coxem:

Streszczenia zacytuję:

CONTROL by John Reed, Art by Louie De Martinis
A tale starring Captain Jonathan Archer's loyal dog, Porthos.

THE GUARDIAN by Gary Russell, Art by Louie De Martinis
A prelude the classic episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"

THE DISAVOWED by Christopher Cooper
The crew of the Enterprise lose all memory of William Riker!

PAGHABI by Chris Dows, Art by Louie De Martinis
Guinan is invaded by a sinister force.

"PULASKI 2.0" by Greg Cox
Doctor Katherine Pulaski experiences life as an android.

THE EXPERT by Gary Russell, Art by Louie De Martinis
A family is torn apart when the Borg strike.

SCRAMBLE by Greg Cox, Art by Louis De Martinis
A return to the noir world of Dixon Hill.

THE MISSION by James Swallow, Art by Louie De Martinis
Espionage runs rife aboard Deep Space 9.

'THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER' by Una McCormack, Art by Louie De Martinis
Kira Nerys and Garak discuss their opposing ideologies.

FRONTIER MEDICINE by Michael Carroll, Art by Louie De Martinis
Doctor Julian Bashir has a career defining adventure.

BY SPECIAL REQUEST by John Peel, Art by Louie De Martinis
Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir enjoy some rest and recreation with a difference.

THE VICTIM by John Peel, Art by Andy Walker
Garak moves in for a kill, but can he pull the trigger?

YOU CAN'T BUY FATE by Keith R.A. DeCandido, Art by Andy Walker
A first contact mission through the wormhole doesn't quite go according to plan.

SUMMER DAYS CAN LAST FOREVER by Michael Collins, Art by Michael Collins
The dull 1950s town of Patterson Creek is livened by some unusual visitors.


Próbka, wchodzącego w skład wspomnianego zbiorku, TNGowskiego opowiadania "The Disavowed":

I retro-recenzja pierwszego tomu trylogii Legacies - "Captain to Captain":





Jessie Gender recenzuje - poświęconą postvoyagerowym losom Seven - powieść "Firewall":

A tu jeszcze takie wprowadzenie w świat pisanego Treka mamy:






Na 29 kwietnia 2025 zapowiedziano drugą powieść SNW - "Toward the Night", pióra Jamesa Swallowa:



Recenzja - dwudziestoczteroletniej - powieści ST: New Earth "Wagon Train to the Stars":